The Gift of Supportive Teamwork

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. —Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 NIV / ASLV

Your support for the mission of Deaf Bible Society connects you to teamwork happening in many places! You are an important part of this work. Your prayers matter. Your financial investment matters. Your faithfulness matters.

Translation teams are aware of your supportive contribution to their work. They are grateful and encouraged!

The team in Costa Rica wants to give you a look behind the scenes at what your support makes possible. Take a look at their studio of where sign language Scripture videos are made!


Give thanks for the studio equipment and training resources in sign language. These tools enable translators to do the frontline work of the mission that unites us.


  • For unity and effectiveness among all teams working to translate and share sign language Scripture
  • For our partners: Mission Mutual, Mexican Sign Language Team, Ghana Sign Language Team, and the Indian Sign Language Team.

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