The Gift of Growing Impact
So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. —1 Corinthians 3:7 NIV / ASLV
Did you know that the Deaf Bible app was launched in 2012 by an organization called Faith Comes by Hearing? They are hearing friends who produce audio recordings of Scripture. They also realized the need for Scripture to reach the eyes of the Deaf.
With their support and blessing, Deaf Bible Society was established in 2015. Here we are today with the Deaf Bible app reaching users in more than 100 countries!
Faith Comes by Hearing planted the seed. Deaf Bible Society now waters and cares for it. And God makes it grow!
Our Deaf Bible app is part of a larger technology platform that connects partners and translation teams all around the world. This platform also tracks real-time data to show progress toward the goal of providing Scripture in 350+ sign languages.
- With gratitude for hearing friends who care deeply about the reach of the Deaf Bible, and give praise to God for the growth and reach of sign language Scripture over the past 12 years
- For our partners: Faith Comes by Hearing, Honduran Sign Language Team, and the El Salvador Sign Language Team.
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