A Deaf pastor celebrates ‘growth in fruitfulness’

Making the change from a printed Bible to the American Sign Language Version (ASLV), Charles*, a Deaf pastor on the East coast, noticed an increase in Biblical knowledge and understanding with his Deaf church members. He calls it Growth in Fruitfulness. The Bible uses metaphors for fruit to describe how Christians grow and represent their faith. He attributed this increase to the church’s transition from the written Bible to the ASLV.

Connecting to Christ

Technology had never really clicked with Charles. At first, he was nervous about using the Deaf Bible App in church. But watching, studying, and meditating on Scripture in sign language meant many church members would have a closer connection to Christ. With the Spirit’s help, Charles took a leap of faith!

Sign language and English are two different languages with distinct sentence structure and grammar. Many Deaf people struggle with reading a written Bible. Charles knew that if his church members had access to a Bible in a language of their heart, they would feel more equipped to understand God’s Word fully.

Engaging in God’s Word in sign language

God gave Charles a new passion and excitement for teaching when he made the switch. He also felt more prepared for his Sunday sermons because the Scriptures were so clear. Since his technological worries had been worked out, Charles confidently utilized the ASLV study Bible every week! This change led the congregation to practice Biblical concepts like knowing and growing the fruit of the Spirit.

Deaf Pastors and leaders, like Charles, who engage with God’s Word in sign language have assurance with unlimited access to the goodness, kindness, and faithfulness of Christ.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5 NIV / ASLV


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